Founder's Note - October 16, 2024

From Search to Touch: A New Dimension to The Real World

In today’s digital age, search dominates. We search for answers, for meaning, for connection—often turning to our screens for everything from information to entertainment. But somewhere in this endless scrolling and searching, the tactile nature of real-world interactions has been lost. We’ve become so reliant on digital experiences that we’ve forgotten the power of real moments, real products, and real connections.

At Spatial Labs, we believe the future is not just about refining how we search, but how we interact. Our work has always been grounded in the belief that physical interactions tell richer stories than any search engine ever could. This philosophy has driven us to create technology that puts the real world first, ensuring that our products facilitate deeper human connection, not just digital consumption.

The Challenge With Digital-First Interaction

Today’s world is built on convenience. When we need something, we search for it—often reducing experiences to a simple URL or a digital link. The problem is, this reduces the richness of life to a two-dimensional space. Products become commodities, stripped of their unique context and history, and human interaction becomes secondary to algorithms.

But what if we could design a platform that puts real-world interaction at the forefront, allowing physical products to tell their own stories and foster meaningful connections?

That’s exactly what we’re doing with Circle and the products powered by Core. We’re building a platform that prioritizes touch over tap—creating a space where products aren’t just things to be searched for and purchased, but living narratives that evolve through interaction.

From Search to Touch: Redefining Interaction

Picture yourself walking into your favorite store and picking up a shoe. As you hover your phone near it, the jacket reveals the brand's journey: the materials it’s made from, its design inspiration, and even the story of how it came into your hands. Or consider buying merch or even a vinyl from your favorite musician. Imagine tapping your phone on that item to unlock exclusive behind-the-scenes content, music, personal messages, or even invitations to private events.

This is the world we’re creating with Circle. From search to touch, we’re shifting the paradigm—no more passively consuming information on a screen. Instead, objects become portals, opening up experiences and stories unique to every interaction.

The “Aha” Moment

We’ve all experienced that “aha” moment when something clicks and we realize the potential of a new idea. Imagine this: Instead of searching for products and information online, you tap a physical object and it talks to you—not through a search engine, but through a direct, immediate interaction using your smartphone. The object tells its story, and you become part of that narrative. It’s the kind of engagement that feels personal, grounded in the real world, and layered with meaning.

Consider how this changes the game for brands too. Products no longer end their story when they leave the shelf. With Circle, brands can now build communities through their products, deepening their connection with consumers over time. The future we are building won't just be about selling a product but creating a long-term, immersive relationship. This opens up a future where each interaction feels more intimate, purposeful, and human.

Opening Up the Ecosystem: Empowering Users and Brands

When we started, Circle was designed as a more closed system, but that’s about to change very soon. We’re opening up the ecosystem so that any user can begin creating and sharing their Circles with others. Whether you’re an artist sharing your creative process, a creator who wants to build community, or a collector telling the story behind your rare finds, Circle will now allow you to invite others into your world through a more accessible link-based-behaviour.

For brands, this will mark a transformative moment. Circle becomes a tool for them to build deeper communities, centered not on likes or follows, but on genuine interactions that happen in the real world. Brands will be able to leverage Circle to create meaningful connections with their audience, sparking engagement that goes beyond a product purchase—it becomes a shared experience. Though, joining a brands Circle will be exclusive to an interaction with that brands products.

We envision a future where brands, users, and creators can all build Circles, each with its own unique narrative, creating a living ecosystem of stories and interactions. The power of Circle lies in its ability to enable real-world connection, making every product, every moment, a bridge to deeper levels of community.

A Platform for the Future

The future we’re building isn’t about choosing between the physical and digital worlds. It’s about blending the two, allowing them to coexist in a way that brings the best out of both. Through Circle, we’re making it possible for physical products to have the same level of engagement as digital platforms—while still preserving the importance of real-world interaction.

By opening up the ecosystem, we’re enabling anyone to participate in this new mode of storytelling. Whether it’s a brand building a community or an individual sharing moments, Circle prioritizes intentional interaction in a world where everything moves toward digital-first. This is our invitation to you—to step out of the search bar and into a world of touch, of connection, and of stories that live beyond the screen.

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” — Marcel Proust


Iddris Sandu

Founder & CEO, Spatial Labs